Last Call For The Bayou is an upcoming documentary series by Encompass Films.
Featured on Great Big Story
Motion Graphics by Kaleida Studio
Director of Graphics: Julie Gratz
Director: Dominic Gill
Producer: Nadia Gill
Louisiana’s delta is home to a plethora of estuarine life, supporting a robust commercial fishing industry, fertile oil fields, millions of migrating waterfowl, and at the heart of it all the mighty Mississippi -- a navigation channel that allows the passage of goods worldwide. Under the surface however, it is the location of one of the greatest environmental threats the US faces today. Every hour a chunk the size of a football field is lost. Each year 25 square miles of land is gone forever, and without a mitigation strategy the marine economy, oil and gas, and even the citizens of New Orleans will be seeking refuge elsewhere in 50 years or so.
This set of films aims to shed some light on what is happening through the eyes of some who are experiencing the changes