The Forever Prisoner is the winner of the Outstanding Investigative Documentary Emmy Award 2022, and was produced by HBO and Jigsaw Production Company
Motion Graphics by Anthony Rhoads, Julie Gratz, Ivo Stoop, Manny Rodriguez
From acclaimed director Alex Gibney (HBO’s “The Crime of the Century,” “Agents of Chaos,” “The Inventor: Out for Blood in Silicon Valley”), The Forever Prisoner is an unflinching look at how America’s torture policy began with CIA captive Abu Zubaydah -- the first high-value detainee subjected to the CIA’s program of Enhanced Interrogation Techniques (EITs), later identified as torture by those outside the agency. Having never been charged with a crime or allowed to challenge his detention, Zubaydah remains imprisoned at Guantánamo Bay in Kafkaesque limbo, in direct contravention of America’s own ideals of justice and due process.